Everyone is encouraged to do online transactions in these times of pandemic. Digital bills and payments allow people to access goods and services while in quarantine or social distancing, and limit physical contacts to prevent possible COVID-19 transmission.
I find it convenient to receive monthly recurring utility bills via email. That would also mean less paper waste to shred and dispose. That is why, when Maynilad announced the Maynilad Paperless Billing Program, I was so pleased!

The program allows Maynilad customers the option to receive an Electronic Statement of Account (e-SOA) instead of the physical copy. As the e-SOA can be accessed anytime and anywhere, it makes the tracking and monitoring of previous or current bills easier and more convenient. It would also mean less chances for losing or misplacing your water bill.
Since no paper will be used, this will greatly help the environment. No trees will be cut to make the paper to be used for the printing of the bill, thus, there will also be no paper waste. As there will be no need for physical contact with meter readers to get the printed SOA, it will also help prevent possible COVID-19 transmission.
To enroll, customers need to create a My Water Bill portal account first, as this is where we can access our e-SOA anytime.
To register, visit https://mywaterbill.mayniladwater.com.ph/ and follow these steps:
- Enter the Contract Account Number (CAN). This can be found in the upper corner of our water bill.
- Nominate a password (The password should be between 6 to 20 characters with at least one (1) uppercase and lowercase letter, and one (1) numeric digit).
- Set security questions to secure the account.
- Select a personal image.
- Input contact information.
Apart from accessing the water bill through this portal, it also allows us to get billing notifications via email or SMS. Once you have a portal account, you may now enroll to Maynilad’s Paperless Billing Program.
To enroll, just follow the syntax below and send it to 09191626000.
The customer must ensure that the mobile number being used for the enrollment is the same mobile number registered in the My Water Bill online portal account.
If you are not yet familiar with the portal, you may also enroll to Paperless Billing through the official channels of Maynilad. They will assist you in creating your portal account.
Just contact them through any of the following channels and provide your name, Contract Account Number (CAN), mobile number, and email to enroll in the program.
1. Maynilad Hotline 1626 (Metro Manila) or 1-800-1000-92837 (Cavite Province)
2. Official Maynilad Facebook page (/MayniladWater) or Twitter account (@maynilad)
3. Maynilad Email: customer.helpdesk@mayniladwater.com.ph
4. Maynilad Business Area (BA) Offices
5. Maynilad Zone Specialists
6. Maynilad Website (https://www.mayniladwater.com.ph/contact-us/)
Since I already have the online portal account since 2017, I was pre-enrolled for paperless billing (Note: Customers with My Water Bill portal account as of October 22, 2021 were pre-enrolled in the Paperless Billing program. I received advisories regarding the pre-enrollment in my registered mobile number and email address). Once enrolled, this is how it will look like in your online portal account:

The original bill is provided in PDF format in case you need to have it printed.

Every month, if you check your SMS, you will receive this notification on your phone:

The online portal also allows you to pay via different banks online. This is really a safe way to pay bills without having to leave your homes.

For me, the two best benefits of Maynilad paperless billing are (1) being environment-friendly as it will greatly reduce paper consumption, and (2) the contactless transaction to get the printed SOA, as it will avoid possible transmission of COVID-19. I highly recommend making the switch to Maynilad Paperless Billing so you can easily view, download and pay your water bill online.
During these times, it’s always better to do things safely, like contactless transactions, so we can prevent the spread of the virus.