Life always gives challenges but we always learn to adapt.
Perhaps one of the biggest lessons we have learned in 2020 is that life always throws unexpected challenges and we’re never quite prepared for them. The COVID-19 pandemic may have ruined so many of our travel and career plans but it also made us more aware that we need to take better care of ourselves. As we adjust to a new way of life, Watsons is here by our side. Read on for some tips and recommendations on how we can all stay strong, stay beautiful, during these times.
Stay Protected. We wear masks, disinfect our hands frequently and line up for everything from the supermarket to the drugstore. This is our new way of living. We try to build up our immune system by working out, eating a balanced diet and drinking sufficiently. We supplement our diet with vitamins from Enervon, Stresstabs and Watsons!Generics. At home, we keep our skin clean with products from Safeguard and Dove and take care of our oral hygiene with products from Listerine, Oral-B and Himalaya.
Stay Prepared. When you do have to go to a store in person, do so during hours when fewer people will be there like early morning or at night. Always disinfect the shopping baskets and carts. Shop online if you can. Watsons also has a delivery service which you can avail of by calling the branch nearest you. Always in our Watsons shopping list are Strepsils, Sinecod Forte, Vicks, Solmux and Biogesic for common illnesses like colds, cough and fever.
Stay Glowing. If you’re healthy, your skin glows and looks soft and supple. Make sure you take care of it with a skincare routine best suited for your skin type. Products from Belo, Ponds, Celeteque, Neutrogena and Dermaction Plus by Watsons, can help you keep your skin nourished and glowing and your confidence at a high.
Stay Gorgeous. Salons and barbershops are the last places we’d want to be in right now because of the current situation. A DIY hair makeover at home would be a refreshing activity and the result could give your self-esteem a boost. A simple trim or touching up your hair color is enough to lift your spirits. You can use L’Oreal Excellence, Beautylabo or Naturtint to color your hair and choose from brands like Pantene and Naturals by Watsons for aftercare.
Stay Dapper. Self-care can be a new hobby or a skincare routine. Taking care of oneself is essential to your overall well being. Skincare is for everyone, not just women. If you’re still washing your face with bar soap, this could be the right time to shift to a mild facial cleanser. Skincare is a great way for men to up their grooming game. Adidas, Old Spice and Gillette are brands that offer men’s products to help with skincare and grooming needs.

Watsons always provide with a wide range of health and beauty products to make us look good and feel great. To provide more value to its Watsons Card and Elite members, Watsons is giving free 100 bonus points for a minimum Php1,000 purchase of participating products on select weekends: July 31 to August 1 and August 14 to 15.
You can now shop at any branch near you. Check out this list of 700+ Watsons stores open nationwide: You can also order via Watsons call & pick-up or call & delivery service: or shop online at