You could be the healthiest person you know, but given the unpredictable weather, you’re still not safe from colds and other common illnesses. Are you prepared in case it hits you? Do you have the necessary home remedies? If you’re an independent adult living alone in your own home and without anyone to take care of you, it helps to know basic home remedies for common illnesses.

Here’s your guide:
Time to learn how to make your own ginger tea! For centuries, healthy specialists have attested to the many benefits of ginger root. The list of its curative properties just goes on and on. Grab some raw ginger root at the grocery store and boil it. This is an effective cure for cough and sore throat.
Research has shown that ginger root may ward off the feelings of nausea that often go with influenza. One study also found that 1 gram of ginger – just that – is enough to ease clinical nausea of various causes.
Garlic has the compound allicin that has antimicrobial properties. Did you know that adding garlic to your diet is an effective way to reduce the severity of cold symptoms? Research even says it may make you less susceptible to catching an illness in the first place. Experts know they have a long way to go in studying garlic’s full potential. While waiting for them to discover everything, adding it to your diet wouldn’t hurt, right?
Vitamin C
By now, you probably know how powerful Vitamin C is in keeping you healthy. Some people even buy dozens of oranges and eat them in one go when they feel sick and don’t want to be absent the next day. Together with oranges, limes, leafy greens, grapefruits, as well as other fruits and vegetables, you can also rely on lemons for Vitamin C.
Want to get rid of that pesky phlegm? Add fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey. Another suggestion is to drink hot or cold lemonade. These drinks may not cure your cold entirely and right away, but they can strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C also relieves upper respiratory tract infections.
This is another magic item with numerous antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Experiencing a sore throat? Add this to lemon tea to soothe the pain. According to research, honey can also suppress a cough.
In one study, children with cough were given 10 grams of honey at bedtime and it reduced the severity of their symptoms. The participants also slept more soundly, so they felt better the next day. However, never give honey to a child younger than 1 year old because it may contain botulinum spores. Their immune system may not be able to fight it off.
Chicken soup
Although it cannot immediately and completely cure illnesses, chicken soup is a great choice when you’re sick. It doesn’t matter if you prepare it from scratch or warm from a can — a bowl of chicken soup with vegetables can slow down the movement of neutrophils in your body. Research attests to its effectiveness. Neutrophils, a common type of white blood cell, protects the body from infection. They may move slower than desired, but this means they stay more concentrated in the areas of your body requiring the most healing.
Chicken soup may effectively reduce the symptoms of upper respiratory infections. Go for low-sodium soup for great nutritional value and to keep yourself hydrated.
Health is indeed wealth. Being sick can cost you precious time and money you should’ve spent on something more fun and relevant. This is why it is important to have all the necessary home remedies when you’re feeling under the weather.
Have happy, healthy, and wealthy Ber months ahead!