After the successful Sports and Fitness Expo in Alabang last August, Kickass is back to kickoff the much bigger activities. We also find a new home in Makati!
Here’s what I love about our Kickass Strollin’ With My Homies:
1. Great stroller workout with a Mamas and Papas Strollers.
These UK-made strollers, known for it’s great features like the wheel-suspension to absorb all the bumps, are perfect jogging partners. Unlike in the past years, these strollers are now locally available.
2. Relaxed Family Event Set-up.
Though the focus of the activity was for parents to workout, kids were provided with things they can get busy with. Even with the not favorable weather and we cannot do the activity at the greens in Ayala Triangle Gardens, everyone still had a great time as we were well-sheltered in the Philippine Stock Exchange fountain area.
3. Fun Outdoor get-together with like-minded persons.
It was a good afternoon to be surrounded by moms, dads and families who value health and fitness as one of their priorities no matter how busy life is.
Thanks Athly Sportswear for my lovely shark leggings!
Special shout goes to my friend and super mom, Gelli Victor for, without a doubt, saying yes to my invitation to hosting the event for us. And also for joining the workouts!
Thank you to Coach Dan and Coach Ani, who is almost ready to pop with her new baby, for leading the drills. Thank you to all our sponsors for providing tokens for our participants to take home.
Congratulations to my Kickass Team for this successful event! We are all looking forward to staging more exciting events in the coming months.